office space

Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems for Light Commercial Buildings

Providing a comfortable environment for your light commercial building is crucial to achieving positive user experiences and fostering a productive working atmosphere. An essential aspect of that comfort is ensuring that the building’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system operates efficiently and effectively. Energy-efficient HVAC systems can significantly impact a light commercial building’s overall energy consumption, utility costs, and carbon footprint. We will explore the benefits of selecting energy-efficient HVAC systems for light commercial buildings and discuss how our knowledgeable technicians can help you choose and maintain the most suitable system for your facility.

Light commercial buildings, such as small offices, retail spaces, and service businesses, have unique HVAC requirements that differ from residential or large commercial buildings. These spaces must cater to a diverse range of occupants, equipment, and products, each with their temperature and humidity preferences. As a result, it’s essential to have an HVAC system designed specifically for the needs of your light commercial building to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency.

Understanding the Unique HVAC Needs of Light Commercial Buildings

Each light commercial building comes with its distinct challenges, requiring a customized HVAC solution. Factors such as the building’s size, layout, occupancy rate, and purpose can all influence the ideal HVAC configuration. For example, retail spaces may require different temperature zones to accommodate various products, whereas small offices may need consistent humidity control to ensure a comfortable working environment. Identifying your building’s unique HVAC requirements is the first step towards selecting the appropriate energy-efficient solution.

Types of Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems

There are several types of energy-efficient HVAC systems suitable for light commercial spaces. In this section, we’ll explore a few popular options and their benefits.

1. Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems

VRF systems offer precise temperature control by delivering varying amounts of refrigerant to individual indoor units, depending on each area’s demand. This design allows the system to operate efficiently and consume less energy while maintaining the desired temperature in multiple zones.

2. Geothermal Heat Pumps

Geothermal heat pumps use the earth’s natural heat to maintain a consistent temperature in your building. This energy-efficient solution provides both heating and cooling by transferring heat between the building and the ground. While the initial installation cost may be higher, geothermal systems typically result in long-term energy savings and reduced maintenance requirements.

3. Demand-Controlled Ventilation (DCV)

DCV systems use sensors to monitor occupancy and indoor air quality, adjusting the ventilation rate based on real-time data. This setup ensures that your light commercial building receives the necessary ventilation, reducing energy consumption and improving indoor air quality.

4. High-Efficiency Air Conditioning Units

Technological advancements have introduced high-efficiency air conditioning units that consume less energy while maintaining consistent temperature and humidity levels. Look for models with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating, ensuring maximum energy savings for your light commercial building.

Tips for Maximizing the Efficiency of Your HVAC System

Investing in an energy-efficient HVAC system is just the beginning. To maximize its potential, consider the following best practices:

1. Regular Maintenance

Routine maintenance is crucial for ensuring the performance and efficiency of your HVAC system. Our technicians can provide comprehensive maintenance services, including cleaning, inspection, and component replacements to keep your system operating at its peak.

2. Proper Insulation and Sealing

To maintain a comfortable temperature and reduce strain on your HVAC system, make sure your light commercial building is well-insulated and sealed. This step helps prevent drafts and air leaks, minimizing the need for excessive heating or cooling while maximizing energy efficiency.

3. Programmable Thermostats

Installing programmable thermostats allows you to regulate your building’s temperature based on occupancy schedules. By reducing heating and cooling output during unoccupied hours, you can save energy and lower utility costs.

4. Zoning Systems

Zoning systems let you create multiple temperature zones within your light commercial building, allowing occupants to adjust heating and cooling levels based on their preferences. This setup can improve overall comfort, reduce energy consumption, and extend the lifespan of your HVAC system.

The Role of Our Technicians in Your Energy-Efficient HVAC Journey

Our skilled technicians play a crucial role in helping you select, install, and maintain the ideal energy-efficient HVAC system for your light commercial building. We recognize the unique challenges that light commercial spaces present and offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

Our team can conduct thorough assessments of your building’s requirements, recommend the most suitable HVAC system, and provide expert installation services. Additionally, we offer regular maintenance and repair services, ensuring your system continues to operate at peak efficiency and minimizing any downtime.

Rely on our technicians to guide you through the entire process, from selecting the right energy-efficient HVAC system to maintaining exceptional performance throughout its lifespan.


Energy-efficient HVAC systems offer numerous benefits for light commercial building owners and occupants, including long-term cost savings, reduced energy consumption, and minimized environmental impact. By understanding the unique HVAC needs of your building and exploring the available options, you can invest in a tailored solution that maximizes efficiency and comfort.

Trust our experienced technicians at Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc to provide professional guidance on heating and AC installation services in Edmonton. Contact us today to discuss how we can help transform your light commercial building into an energy-efficient and comfortable environment.

women at home

Strategies to Combat Seasonal Allergies Through Improved Indoor Air Quality

Seasonal allergies can wreak havoc on the well-being of individuals, affecting both their personal and professional lives. Pollen, mold, dust mites, and pet dander are common culprits that can trigger allergy symptoms including sneezing, nasal congestion, and other respiratory discomforts. As we spend a significant portion of our lives indoors, be it at home or work, ensuring optimal indoor air quality (IAQ) becomes essential to mitigate the symptoms of seasonal allergies and create a healthier environment. We will discuss how our experts can help combat seasonal allergies by improving indoor air quality through a range of specialized services and solutions tailored to meet the distinct needs of residential, commercial, and rural properties.

Understanding Seasonal Allergies and Indoor Air Quality

Before diving into the specific solutions, it’s important to understand the relationship between indoor air quality and seasonal allergies. Allergens, such as pollen, mold, dust mites, and pet dander, can easily accumulate and disperse in indoor spaces, causing respiratory discomfort and other symptoms for allergy sufferers. By addressing the underlying IAQ issues that contribute to high allergen concentrations, we can create a more comfortable, livable environment for individuals who struggle with seasonal allergies.

Air Purifiers: Cleaner Air for Allergy Relief

One of the most effective solutions for reducing allergens in indoor spaces is the use of air purifiers. These devices work by capturing and neutralizing allergens (like pollen, mold, dust mites, and pet dander) before they have a chance to circulate throughout your home or workspace. Our professionals can recommend and install the right air purifier to suit your specific needs. Here’s how air purifiers can aid in allergy relief:

1. Whole House Air Purification

A whole-house air purifier operates in conjunction with your existing HVAC system, ensuring comprehensive allergen reduction and cleaner air throughout your entire home or workspace.

2. Air Purifier Installation and Maintenance

Our expert technicians can professionally install air purifiers and provide ongoing maintenance, ensuring the devices consistently operate at peak efficiency, contributing to a cleaner, allergen-free environment.

Air Filters: A Crucial Line of Defense Against Allergens

High-quality air filters are another essential component in managing seasonal allergies. By effectively trapping and reducing the number of allergens present in the air, these filters contribute to a healthier indoor environment. To maximize your air filtration system’s benefits, consider the following:

1. Regular Air Filter Changeouts

Enlisting our professionals for timely and efficient air filter replacements ensures consistently high-performance allergen filtering and maintains optimal indoor air quality.

2. Air Filter Installation

Choosing the right type of air filter for your property is crucial in combatting allergens. Our technicians can recommend and install suitable filters based on your unique requirements and circumstances.

Humidity Control: Optimizing Comfort and Allergy Relief

Maintaining balanced humidity levels is crucial not only for personal comfort but also for minimizing the growth and spread of allergens. High humidity can promote mold and dust mite growth, while low humidity can exacerbate respiratory discomfort. To strike the right balance, consider employing the following humidity control solutions:

1. Whole House Humidifiers

If your home or workspace is prone to low humidity, a whole-house humidifier can help alleviate the symptoms of dry air and keep allergens at bay.

2. Whole House Dehumidifiers

Conversely, in spaces where high humidity is an issue, a whole-house dehumidifier can mitigate the risk of allergen growth, creating a more comfortable environment for allergy sufferers.

Ventilation Services: Refreshing the Air to Reduce Allergens

Proper ventilation is essential in maintaining a healthy living environment. Allowing fresh outdoor air to flow into your home or workspace while expelling stale, polluted air can significantly reduce allergen concentrations. Consider these ventilation services offered by our professionals:

1. Whole Home Ventilation Systems

Our technicians can design and install customized whole-house ventilation systems, ensuring adequate air exchange and allergen reduction in your residential or commercial property.

2. Ventilation System Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your ventilation system ensures ongoing optimal performance, effectively managing allergen levels and providing fresh, clean air for occupants.

Closing Thoughts: The Value of Professional Expertise

Seasonal allergies can be a constant source of discomfort for many; however, improving indoor air quality through air purification, air filtration, humidity control, and proper ventilation can help alleviate the symptoms. By collaborating with our professionals at Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc, you can be assured of expert guidance, tailored solutions, and ongoing support in your quest to create a healthier and more comfortable living space for your family or staff.

Contact our HVAC contractor in Edmonton today to learn more about our comprehensive indoor air quality services designed to help you effectively combat seasonal allergies and enhance the overall well-being of your home or workplace environment.

empty room with ac system

Essential Indoor Air Quality Solutions for New Construction Projects

As a property developer or construction professional, the health and comfort of a building’s future occupants should be of paramount consideration. One crucial aspect of achieving this is by incorporating indoor air quality (IAQ) solutions into the construction process itself. Strategically planning and implementing IAQ services during construction ensures a healthier and more energy-efficient living environment from the start, reducing the need for costly retrofitting.

Constructing a new building from the ground up provides a unique opportunity to integrate state-of-the-art systems and technologies that improve the IAQ. By considering the various aspects of ventilation services, air purification, filtration, and humidity control during the construction phase, developers can ensure the highest standard of air quality in their building projects. Integrating these solutions not only results in a healthier living environment for occupants but also contributes to the overall energy efficiency and sustainability of the property.

Our experts offer comprehensive IAQ services suited to new construction projects that focus on key areas, such as whole-home ventilation systems, air purifier installations, UV light installations, air filter changeouts, and humidity control solutions. These services, when implemented during the construction phase, guarantee that the building is designed with optimal indoor air quality in mind, setting a strong foundation for healthy living spaces.

Join us as we delve into these solutions in more detail and provide insights into the importance of each service in maintaining exceptional IAQ in new construction projects. With our professionals’ knowledge and expertise, incorporating indoor air quality solutions has never been more accessible and effective, ensuring the health, comfort, and satisfaction of future occupants in your property.

Ventilation Services: The Foundation of Healthy Indoor Air Quality

The cornerstone of maintaining optimal indoor air quality in new construction projects is the integration of efficient and high-performance ventilation systems. Proper ventilation facilitates the exchange of stale, polluted indoor air with fresh outdoor air, reducing contaminant buildup and providing a consistent supply of fresh air to occupants. Here’s how our professionals can help optimize the ventilation systems in new construction projects:

1. Customized Whole Home Ventilation System Design

Our technicians can create a tailored ventilation system plan based on the specific requirements and characteristics of your new construction project, ensuring an efficient and cost-effective solution that meets the building’s IAQ needs.

2. Ventilation System Installation

With accurate and professional installation of the designed ventilation system, we guarantee reliable performance, sustainability, and long-term energy efficiency for your building project.

3. Periodic Ventilation System Maintenance

Regular checkups and maintenance by our professionals can help ensure ongoing optimal performance, efficient energy usage, and extended system lifespan.

Air Purification and Filtration Solutions

Air purification and filtration are critical components in enhancing a building’s indoor air quality. By removing contaminants and allergens, these solutions ensure a clean and healthy environment for occupants. Our professionals offer a comprehensive range of air purification and filtration services for new construction projects:

1. Air Purifier Installation

Opting for the installation of air purifiers during the construction phase ensures seamless integration and minimal disruption. These purifiers help neutralize harmful airborne particles like dust, bacteria, and allergens, contributing to a healthier living space for occupants.

2. High-Quality Air Filters

Our technicians can install high-efficiency air filters that effectively remove pollutants and allergens, providing a cleaner circulation of air within the property.

3. Air Filter Changeouts

Regular air filter replacement is crucial in maintaining optimal indoor air quality. Collaborating with our professionals ensures timely changeouts, enhancing the overall air filtration efficiency of the building.

Humidity Control in New Construction Projects

Striking the right balance and controlling humidity levels is crucial in maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Excess humidity can promote mould growth and a host of other issues, whereas low humidity can cause dryness, irritation, and discomfort for occupants. Both humidification and dehumidification solutions can be seamlessly integrated into new construction projects, ensuring optimal humidity levels:

1. Whole House Humidifiers

Our professionals can install whole-house humidifiers in your new construction project, adding moisture to the indoor air and preventing the problems associated with dry air, such as allergies and respiratory discomfort.

2. Whole House Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air, mitigating the risk of mould growth and creating a more comfortable living environment. By incorporating these systems within the construction process, humidity control becomes an integral component of the building’s design.

UV Light Installation and its Benefits

Ultraviolet (UV) light technology is an innovative solution for improving indoor air quality and effectively eliminating harmful microorganisms. By installing UV lights within your new construction project’s ventilation system, future occupants can benefit from a cleaner, pathogen-free indoor environment. Our technicians can expertly integrate UV light systems into your project by:

1. UV Light Installation

High-quality, professional installation ensures optimal system performance and guarantees the effective neutralization of airborne pathogens.

2. UV Light Replacement

Our professionals can provide timely and efficient UV light component replacements, prolonging the system’s lifespan and maintaining a healthy and clean air supply.

The Importance of Collaborative Planning

Planning is a vital aspect of incorporating IAQ solutions during the construction phase. Collaborating with our professionals enables the seamless integration of ventilation services, air purification and filtration technologies, humidity control solutions, and UV light systems. This comprehensive approach ensures efficient, cost-effective installations without requiring future retrofitting projects.


Integrating indoor air quality solutions into new construction projects is essential for property developers and construction professionals aiming to guarantee a healthy, comfortable, and energy-efficient space for future occupants. Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc’s range of IAQ services, from whole-home ventilation systems to air purifier installations, humidity control solutions, and UV light technologies, provides an effective path toward achieving outstanding indoor air quality from the outset.

Contact us at Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc today to learn more about our comprehensive IAQ services and how our HVAC and heating contractors in Edmonton can serve as your trusted partner in creating a healthy and comfortable living environment for occupants in your new construction project.

family at home

Comprehensive Guide to Improving Indoor Air Quality in Multi-Family Buildings

Maintaining a high standard of indoor air quality (IAQ) is pivotal in ensuring the health, well-being, and comfort of residents in multi-family buildings. With the increasing concerns about the effects of airborne pollutants and allergens on human health, it becomes imperative for property owners and managers to prioritize enhancing the IAQ in their buildings.

Poor indoor air quality can result from numerous factors, including inadequate ventilation, high humidity levels, tobacco smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from household chemicals, and pollutants from outdoor sources. In multi-family buildings, these factors can contribute to the circulation of allergens, bacteria, viruses, and mould within the shared indoor spaces, posing considerable risks to occupants’ health. Consequently, it becomes crucial to examine and adopt effective strategies for managing and sustaining healthy IAQ in multi-family properties.

We offer a comprehensive range of services and solutions tailored to address various indoor air quality concerns in multi-family buildings. Our expertise in air purifiers, ventilation services, humidification, whole house dehumidifiers, filtration services, whole house air purification, and UV light installation ensures that occupants enjoy fresh, clean air within your property, mitigating the risks associated with poor indoor air quality.

Stay tuned as we investigate the distinctive components of IAQ, identify common issues in multi-family buildings, and review the range of services and solutions that can be leveraged to transform the air quality of your property. With our technicians, it has never been easier to guarantee the best possible indoor air quality for your multi-family building.

Understanding Indoor Air Quality Issues in Multi-Family Buildings

To effectively address the indoor air quality in multi-family properties, it is essential to identify the common IAQ issues faced by occupants. These issues play a vital role in negatively impacting the health and well-being of residents. Let’s explore the key contributors to poor indoor air quality in multi-family buildings:

1. Inadequate Ventilation

Improper or insufficient ventilation leads to the buildup of indoor air pollutants, making it difficult for fresh air to circulate within the property. This often results in stale, contaminated air, which compromises the residents’ comfort and health.

2. Elevated Humidity Levels

High humidity in indoor spaces can promote the growth of mould, dust mites, and other allergens, leading to severe health risks for occupants. Conversely, low humidity can cause dry skin, respiratory issues, and deteriorating wood furnishings.

3. Presence of Airborne Pollutants

Contaminants such as pollen, pet dander, tobacco smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and mould spores can adversely impact IAQ and aggravate allergies and respiratory conditions.

Optimizing Ventilation Systems for Multi-Family Buildings

Enhancing the ventilation system is one of the most effective methods to improve the IAQ in multi-family properties. Our professionals can provide tailored ventilation services to ensure proper airflow and minimize the buildup of indoor air pollutants:

1. Assessing Existing Ventilation Systems

A thorough evaluation of the current ventilation setup helps identify any inefficiencies or issues requiring immediate attention. This step allows for the implementation of necessary improvements or repairs to optimize the system’s performance.

2. Balancing Ventilation Rates

Our technicians can expertly balance the ventilation system to ensure a consistent supply of fresh air while maintaining energy efficiency and preventing excessive humidity levels.

3. Incorporating Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERVs)

ERVs can help maintain indoor air quality by exchanging stale indoor air for fresh outdoor air without losing energy. These devices provide energy-efficient ventilation, making them an ideal choice for multi-family buildings.

Addressing Humidity and Filtration with Targeted Solutions

Managing humidity levels and implementing adequate air filtration are integral components of maintaining optimal IAQ in multi-family buildings. We offer a variety of services that contribute to achieving the perfect balance:

1. Humidification and Dehumidification

By installing whole-house humidifiers and dehumidifiers, our professionals can help maintain a consistent humidity range throughout the property, mitigating the risks associated with high or low moisture levels.

2. Enhanced Filtration Services

Our technicians can install and maintain high-efficiency air filters to remove airborne pollutants and allergens, ensuring cleaner air circulation within the property.

Leveraging Air Purification and UV Light Technologies

Incorporating advanced air purification and ultraviolet (UV) light technologies can significantly upgrade the quality of indoor air in multi-family properties. We specialize in the installation and maintenance of these powerful solutions:

1. Whole House Air Purification Systems

Air purification systems can effectively neutralize airborne contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and allergens, improving the quality of indoor air for occupants. Our professionals can install whole house air purification systems, ensuring consistent and efficient air cleaning throughout the property.

2. UV Light Installation

UV light technology can be installed within the ventilation system to eliminate harmful microorganisms, ensuring the air circulated within the building remains clean and healthy. Our technicians can expertly install and replace UV light components, offering long-term protection against airborne pathogens.

Engaging Occupants in Maintaining Indoor Air Quality

Educating tenants and involving them in IAQ maintenance practices can help them actively participate in upholding a healthy living environment. Property owners and managers can share information about proper filtration, humidification, and ventilation practices and encourage tenants to report any IAQ-related concerns promptly.


Achieving excellent indoor air quality in multi-family buildings has a significant impact on tenants’ health, comfort, and overall living experience. Taking proactive measures to address the various IAQ factors is essential for property owners and managers, and Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc is here to help. By leveraging our expertise in ventilation, air purification, and humidity management services, our HVAC and heating contractors in Edmonton effectively enhance the quality of indoor air in your multi-family property.

Contact us at Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc today to learn more about how our range of IAQ services and solutions can transform the living environment for your tenants, ensuring a healthy, comfortable, and safe indoor space for all occupants.

ac system

The Benefits of Ductless AC Systems for Multi-Family Properties

Air conditioning systems play a crucial role in maintaining a comfortable environment within multi-family properties. As these buildings house multiple families or units, selecting the most appropriate cooling solution is essential to ensure efficiency, cost savings, and individual comfort. Ductless air conditioning systems have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their numerous benefits and efficient performance. Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. will discuss the advantages of installing ductless AC systems in multi-family properties and how our experienced technicians provide exceptional installation, repair, and replacement services to keep your environment comfortable.

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

One of the primary reasons many property managers and owners opt for ductless AC systems in multi-family buildings is their energy efficiency. Traditional central air conditioning systems with ductwork often lose a significant amount of energy due to leaks and inefficiencies. With a ductless system, cooled air is delivered directly to the target area, minimizing energy loss and consumption. This efficiency translates into long-term cost savings, as lower energy usage results in lower utility bills for both the property owner and individual occupants.

Customized Comfort for Each Unit

In multi-family properties, the individual preferences and needs of various occupants may vary, making it challenging to maintain a consistent and comfortable temperature for everyone. Ductless air conditioning systems offer a perfect solution to this issue, as they allow each unit or living space to control its temperature independently. Individual temperature control not only ensures personalized comfort for each occupant but also reduces energy usage in unoccupied or lesser-used areas of the building.

Space-Saving and Flexible Installation

Space constraints can often present a significant challenge in multi-family buildings, particularly in older structures with limited room for retrofitting traditional central HVAC systems. Ductless AC systems offer a compact and flexible option to circumvent this issue. The absence of ductwork makes these systems comparatively easier to install, even in tight and awkward spaces. Moreover, the indoor units of ductless air conditioners can be mounted on walls, ceilings, or even placed on the floor, ensuring adaptability to the specific layout of your multi-family property.

Low Maintenance Requirements

Ductless air conditioning systems generally require less maintenance than their traditional counterparts, making them an attractive choice for multi-family property owners and managers. The absence of ductwork eliminates the need for regular cleaning and sealing of ducts, reducing the overall maintenance burden. However, it’s still essential to have regular maintenance performed – such as cleaning or replacing filters, inspecting electrical connections, and ensuring the proper operation of all components – to guarantee the system’s longevity and maintain optimal performance.

Our Expertise in Ductless AC Installation, Repair, and Replacement

We specialize in providing comprehensive services for ductless air conditioning systems. Whether you require installation, repair, or replacement services, our skilled professionals have the knowledge and expertise necessary to cater to your unique needs. Here’s how we can help:

Ductless AC Installation

Our technicians work closely with multi-family property owners to determine the most suitable ductless AC system for their buildings. We consider factors such as the size and layout of the property, the number of units, individual cooling requirements, and energy-efficiency preferences. This personalized approach ensures that your installation matches your property’s unique needs and delivers maximum benefits.

Ductless AC Repair

In the event of a malfunction or decreased performance, our professionals are well-equipped to handle any repair needs for your ductless air conditioning system. Whether it’s addressing refrigerant leaks, fixing damaged components, or troubleshooting electrical issues, we have the expertise to keep your cooling system running smoothly all summer long.

Ductless AC Replacement

Like all HVAC systems, ductless air conditioners eventually need replacement once they’ve exceeded their typical lifespan or if repair costs outweigh the benefits of a new system. Our technicians can assess your existing ductless AC system and guide you in making informed decisions regarding replacements. We’ll also ensure that your new unit suits your property’s unique layout and cooling needs.

Regular Maintenance Services

Even with their low-maintenance features, it’s crucial to schedule regular services for your ductless air conditioning system to maintain optimal performance. Our professionals will clean and replace filters, inspect connections, and ensure that all components are functioning correctly. This proactive approach will prolong the life of your ductless AC system and maintain maximum efficiency.

In Conclusion

Ductless air conditioning systems offer a compelling solution for multi-family property owners seeking energy efficiency, customizable comfort, and flexibility. By opting for a ductless AC system, you’ll not only save on energy costs and reduce maintenance requirements but also provide a comfortable living environment for your occupants.

Contact our expert technicians at Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. today to discuss your specific needs and explore the best ductless air conditioning options for your multi-family property in Edmonton, AB.

air conditioner maintenance

The Importance of Regular Air Conditioner Maintenance for Optimal Performance

A well-functioning air conditioner is crucial for maintaining a comfortable environment in residential, commercial, and other types of properties. As the seasons change and the temperature rises, a reliable air conditioning system becomes a necessity for your home or workplace. However, just like any piece of machinery, air conditioners require regular maintenance to ensure top performance and prevent costly breakdowns. We will delve into the importance of air conditioner maintenance for optimal performance and discuss how our skilled technicians can help keep your cooling system running smoothly.

Proper Functioning of Components

One essential aspect of air conditioner maintenance is ensuring that all components are in good working condition. Several parts within the cooling system need regular attention, including the condenser, evaporator, compressor, and fan. Failing to maintain these components can lead to inefficiencies and reduce the overall functioning and lifespan of your air conditioning unit. Our trained technicians will conduct a thorough inspection of these components, perform any necessary repairs, and clean them to maintain optimal functionality.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

A well-maintained air conditioner not only cools your indoor space but also helps improve indoor air quality by filtering out pollen, dust, and other particles from the air. Over time, the air filters in your AC system may become clogged or dirty, which can lead to decreased airflow and diminished air quality. This can aggravate allergy symptoms for sensitive individuals and negatively affect the overall indoor comfort level. By regularly cleaning or replacing air filters, you ensure a healthier and more comfortable environment in your home or commercial space. Our technicians can clean or replace your filters as needed and recommend the best filter type for your specific system.

Energy Efficiency and Reduced Energy Bills

A well-maintained air conditioner operates more efficiently and consumes less energy. Inefficient systems may force the unit to work harder to provide the desired cooling, leading to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills. With regular maintenance, our professionals will ensure your AC system is clean and functional, allowing it to run at peak efficiency and help you save on your energy bills. This is particularly important for central HVAC systems, which typically have a more significant impact on your property’s energy consumption.

Preventing Costly Breakdowns and Repairs

Air conditioner units can break down due to various reasons, such as dirty components, low refrigerant levels, or electrical issues. Often, these breakdowns can lead to costly repairs or even replacing your system. Regular maintenance can identify potential problems in your AC system and prevent these issues from escalating into major concerns. Our technicians can spot and address minor issues before they become significant problems, helping you avoid unexpected expenses and maintain your system’s optimal functioning.

Air Conditioner Maintenance for Different Property Types

Residential Properties

Homeowners rely on their air conditioners to keep their living spaces comfortable during the hot summer months. By scheduling regular maintenance appointments, you can ensure your family’s comfort and prolong the life of your cooling equipment. Our technicians will perform tasks such as cleaning or replacing filters, checking refrigerant levels, inspecting electrical connections, and more, to keep your air conditioner running at peak performance.

Commercial Properties

For businesses, a properly functioning air conditioner is crucial for maintaining a comfortable environment for employees and customers. Regular maintenance will not only improve your AC system’s efficiency but also prevent potential downtime in your commercial space. Our skilled professionals are experienced in servicing air conditioners for various commercial building types, ensuring that your unit is operating efficiently and minimizing disruptions to your daily operations.

New Construction

If you’re building a new property, it’s essential to invest in the right air conditioning system and keep it well-maintained from the beginning. Our technicians can help guide you in choosing the best cooling solution for your new property and perform routine maintenance to optimize your system’s performance, even with the changing seasons.

Rural Properties

For rural property owners, air conditioning is a crucial component in maintaining comfort within your space. Regular maintenance will ensure your cooling system’s optimal performance, even in remote locations where extreme weather conditions or fluctuations in temperature can impact your unit’s functioning.

In Conclusion

Regular air conditioner maintenance plays a pivotal role in prolonging the life of your cooling system, improving energy efficiency, and enhancing indoor comfort for your family or employees. By scheduling routine maintenance services with our skilled technicians at Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc, you can ensure a well-functioning air conditioner that provides consistent and reliable cooling throughout the hot summer months, ultimately maximizing your investment in your HVAC system.

Don’t delay in maintaining your air conditioner’s optimal performance. Schedule an appointment for air conditioner maintenance with our skilled professionals today and experience the benefits of a well-maintained cooling system.

smart home

Maximizing Energy Efficiency with Smart Thermostats for Multi-Family Properties

In an era where technology continues to play an integral role in creating energy-efficient and comfortable living spaces, smart thermostats have emerged as an essential tool for multi-family property owners and managers. These advanced devices offer numerous advantages, including improved energy efficiency, personalized comfort, and reduced operational costs. 

Smart thermostats offer intelligent, programmable features that cater to the needs of multi-family properties by allowing tenants to fine-tune their heating or cooling preferences, resulting in increased energy efficiency and a reduction in energy waste. With features such as remote access, data-driven insights, and compatibility with various heating and cooling systems, smart thermostats can vastly improve the living experience for tenants while offering significant cost savings for property owners or managers.

As multi-family property owners or managers, embracing smart thermostat technology can contribute positively to the building’s overall energy efficiency, tenant satisfaction, and long-term property value. Collaborating with our professionals, you can ensure proper smart thermostat installation, updates, and optimization, delivering outstanding performance, comfort, and energy savings for your multi-family property. Explore the benefits of incorporating smart thermostats in multi-family properties and how our experienced technicians can help install and optimize these devices to meet unique heating and cooling requirements.

Unveiling the Benefits of Smart Thermostats in Multi-Family Properties

Smart thermostats have gained prominence in recent years as an effective solution for improving energy efficiency and enhancing comfort levels in multi-family properties. Let’s explore the numerous advantages that these innovative devices offer for both property owners or managers and tenants:

1. Reduced Energy Waste and Lower Costs

Smart thermostats can learn the occupants’ routines, adjusting heating or cooling to ensure maximum energy efficiency. By tailoring temperature settings based on the occupants’ preferences and lifestyle habits, these devices help reduce energy waste and minimize utility bills.

2. Seamless Integration with HVAC Systems

Smart thermostats are compatible with various heating and cooling equipment, making them an ideal choice for multi-family properties with diverse HVAC systems. This seamless integration allows for precise control over individual unit settings, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency.

3. Remote Access and Control

For tenants, smart thermostats allow for convenient control over their living spaces, even from a distance. Property owners or managers can also monitor and adjust individual units’ settings remotely, helping maintain ideal temperature settings and keep utility bills in check.

4. Data-Driven Insights

Smart thermostats track energy consumption data, providing insights into usage patterns and trends. This information can help property owners or managers make informed decisions regarding heating and cooling system upgrades or setting energy-efficient cooling and heating strategies.

Choosing the Right Smart Thermostat for Your Multi-Family Property

Selecting the appropriate smart thermostat for your multi-family property involves considering factors such as compatibility, budget, and specific property requirements. Our professionals can guide you through the selection process, ensuring you choose the right device that meets your property’s unique needs.

1. Compatibility with Existing Systems

Ensure the smart thermostat you select can seamlessly integrate with your property’s existing heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. Compatibility with various HVAC equipment ensures optimized performance and prevents complications during installation.

2. User-Friendly Interface and Features

Look for thermostats with intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that enable easy navigation and adjustments for tenants. Additionally, features such as remote access and data reporting can offer convenience and valuable insights for both tenants and property managers.

3. Budget and Long-Term Value

While initial costs play a role in the selection process, it is essential to consider the long-term value that a smart thermostat can bring to your multi-family property. An effective smart thermostat can help reduce energy waste and lower operational costs over time, making it a worthwhile investment.

Professional Installation and Optimization of Smart Thermostats

Proper installation and optimization of smart thermostats play a crucial role in maximizing their performance and ensuring energy efficiency. Our experienced technicians can manage the installation process and optimize your smart thermostats, guaranteeing the best possible results for your multi-family property.

1. Correct Placement and Installation

Proper positioning of smart thermostats is essential for accurate temperature readings and effective operation. Our technicians ensure that the devices are placed away from direct sunlight or heating and cooling vents to prevent any discrepancies in sensor measurements.

2. Firmware and Software Updates

Keeping smart thermostats updated with the latest firmware and software ensures optimal performance and compatibility with HVAC equipment. Our professionals can handle these updates and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the process.

3. Customization and Optimization

Our technicians can help customize and optimize your smart thermostats’ settings to suit the specific needs of your multi-family property, considering factors like occupancy, building layout, and energy management goals.

Implementing Tenant Education and Involvement

To fully harness the benefits of smart thermostats in your multi-family property, tenant education and involvement are crucial aspects. By educating tenants about the use, features and benefits of these devices, you foster active participation in energy efficiency initiatives and encourage optimal usage of the technology at hand.


Incorporating smart thermostats in your multi-family property can lead to significant advancements in energy efficiency, cost savings, and tenant satisfaction. As you strive to improve the living experience within your property, partnering with our professionals can enable seamless integration, installation, and optimization of smart thermostats tailored to your unique requirements.

Contact Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc today to discuss your multi-family property’s heating and cooling needs and discover how our team of experts can help you reap the energy-saving advantages presented by smart thermostats in Edmonton, AB. Together, let’s create comfortable, energy-efficient living spaces for your tenants while maximizing property value and performance!

mini split system

The Benefits of Installing a Mini Split System for Efficient Heating and Cooling

As a property owner, finding the right heating and cooling solution for your residential or commercial space is crucial. Traditional systems like central heating, furnaces, and air conditioners may not always provide the desired comfort or energy efficiency for every situation. This is where an alternative solution, such as a mini split system, can provide the perfect balance of convenience, energy savings, and overall comfort. 

A mini split system, also known as a ductless heat pump, operates independently from your existing central HVAC system and provides both heating and cooling capabilities. By placing individual units in each room or zone, these systems can deliver the precise level of comfort required for various spaces. This not only helps meet different temperature preferences among occupants but also allows you to only heat or cool the rooms that are currently in use, contributing to significant energy savings.

Learn the numerous benefits of installing a mini split system and how our skilled technicians can help you make the most of this innovative technology.

1. Flexible Installation Options

One of the most significant benefits of a mini split system is the flexibility it offers for installation. Unlike traditional forced-air systems, which require complex ductwork and can be intrusive or challenging to install in certain spaces, mini split systems can be easily mounted on walls or ceilings or installed as floor-standing units. 

This versatility makes them an ideal choice for new construction projects, multi-family dwellings, properties with limited space, or renovations where traditional ductwork may not be feasible. Our technicians can assess your property’s specific needs and recommend a suitable mini split system installation that ensures optimal performance and minimal impact on your space.

2. Increased Energy Efficiency

Mini split systems are known for their energy efficiency, as they can provide targeted heating and cooling without the need for ductwork. This eliminates the heat loss associated with traditional forced-air systems, helping you save on energy costs. 

Additionally, mini split systems employ advanced inverter technology that adjusts the output based on the heating or cooling requirements of each zone. This intelligent operation allows the system to consume only the necessary energy, further enhancing efficiency and reducing your utility bills.

3. Enhanced Comfort and Customizability

Traditional HVAC systems might not always deliver the desired level of comfort, as they are designed to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the property. In contrast, mini split systems can be tailored to provide individual temperature control for each room or zone. 

This allows occupants to customize their preferred comfort settings, ensuring a more satisfying heating and cooling experience. The multi-zone capability also enables you to heat or cool only the areas in use, preventing energy wastage and contributing to a greener environment.

4. Improved Indoor Air Quality

Maintaining good indoor air quality is essential for the health and comfort of your family or employees. Mini split systems can help improve indoor air quality by passing air through multiple filtration stages before circulating it in the room. 

Many systems are equipped with advanced filtration technologies, such as activated carbon filters or electrostatic filters, which trap fine dust particles, allergens, and other impurities in the air. Regular cleaning and replacement of these filters ensure optimal system performance and continuous fresh, clean air circulation in your living or working space.

Mini Split Systems for Different Property Types

1. Residential Properties

For homeowners seeking a customizable and energy-efficient heating and cooling solution, mini split systems are an excellent option. They can be easily installed in your existing home or incorporated into new construction projects, providing even temperature distribution and improved indoor air quality. Our technicians can help you choose the right mini split system for your residence, ensuring maximum comfort and savings.

2. Commercial Properties

In commercial settings, mini split systems offer a cost-effective and versatile option for maintaining a comfortable environment for staff and customers while minimizing energy consumption. Whether you operate a small office, retail store, or light commercial property, our professionals can assist you in selecting the most appropriate mini split system for your unique requirements.

3. New Construction

If you’re planning a new construction project, incorporating a mini split system from the onset allows you to design an efficient and customizable heating and cooling solution tailored to your property’s specific needs. Our skilled technicians can collaborate with you to determine the most suitable placement and configuration for your mini split system, ensuring optimal performance throughout your property.

4. Rural Properties

In rural or remote locations, mini split systems can be an efficient and reliable heating and cooling option, regardless of climate or temperature fluctuations. Additionally, the absence of ductwork makes them a suitable choice for properties where installing traditional heating and cooling solutions may be challenging.


Mini split systems have several advantages over traditional heating and cooling solutions, including flexible installation, increased energy efficiency, enhanced comfort, and improved indoor air quality. For residential, commercial, new construction, or rural properties, the benefits of installing a mini split system make it a worthwhile investment.

If you’re considering a mini split system for your Edmonton property, trust our skilled professionals at Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc to help you navigate the selection, installation, and maintenance phases. Contact us today to discover how you can revolutionize your heating and cooling experience with this versatile and energy-efficient solution!

Expert Tips for Electric Underfloor Heating Installation

If you’re considering upgrading your heating system, our team at Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc has compiled expert tips to ensure a seamless electric underfloor heating installation. As the leading provider of heating installation and heating replacement services in Edmonton, AB, we understand the importance of a comfortable home. Follow these tips to make the most of your electric underfloor heating system.

Understanding the Basics

Electric underfloor heating is a cutting-edge solution gaining popularity, especially in chilly climates like Edmonton, AB. This system involves installing heating cables or mats beneath the flooring, generating radiant heat that rises, efficiently warming the space. For those considering furnace replacement Edmonton, AB underfloor heating offers an energy-efficient alternative. The process involves a professional assessment of the space, ensuring quality heating systems, precise temperature control with programmable thermostats, and proper insulation to prevent heat loss. Professional installation services are crucial for a successful and hassle-free underfloor heating experience, providing a cozy and efficient solution for heating replacement.

Choosing the Right Underfloor Heating System

Selecting the appropriate underfloor heating system is crucial for optimal performance. Consider factors such as the type of flooring, insulation, and specific heating needs for each room. Conduct a thorough assessment of your space to determine the most suitable system. Different systems, such as electric or hydronic, cater to varying requirements. Ensure compatibility with your existing infrastructure and prioritize energy efficiency. Seek professional advice to make an informed decision that aligns with your space and heating preferences. The right underfloor heating system not only provides comfort but also enhances the overall efficiency of your heating solution.

Quality Insulation Matters

Quality insulation is a cornerstone of effective heating installation in Edmonton, AB. Insulation acts as a barrier, preventing heat loss and ensuring that the warmth generated by your heating system stays within your living or working space. In the chilly climate of Edmonton, AB, investing in high-quality insulation materials is essential for optimizing energy efficiency and maintaining a consistently comfortable environment. With proper insulation, the effectiveness of your heating system may be protected, leading to unnecessary energy consumption and higher heating costs. Ensure a cozy and cost-effective living space by prioritizing quality insulation in your heating installation endeavors in Edmonton, AB.

Invest in Smart Thermostats

Upgrade your electric underfloor heating system by investing in smart thermostats. These cutting-edge devices offer remote temperature control, allowing you to create a warm, welcoming home before you even arrive. Smart thermostats also enhance energy efficiency by enabling schedule settings and providing real-time usage monitoring. With these advanced features, you can enjoy personalized comfort while optimizing energy consumption. Make the smart choice to modernize your heating system and experience the convenience and cost savings that come with intelligent thermostat technology.

Regular Maintenance for Longevity

Regular maintenance is the key to ensuring the longevity and optimal performance of your electric underfloor heating system. Scheduled check-ups are essential to identify and address potential issues before they escalate. This proactive approach not only extends the lifespan of the system but also ensures that it operates at peak efficiency, providing consistent warmth and comfort. Don’t overlook the significance of regular maintenance – it’s a small investment that pays off in the form of a reliable and efficient heating solution for your home. Schedule routine check-ups to keep your electric underfloor heating system in top-notch condition for years to come.

Experience Cutting-Edge Comfort: Electric Underfloor Heating Explained

When considering an upgrade to your heating system, the choice of electric underfloor heating is a wise one. Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc, as the leading provider of heating installation and heating replacement services in Edmonton, AB, emphasizes the importance of a seamless installation process. By understanding the basics, choosing the right system, prioritizing quality insulation, investing in smart thermostats, and committing to regular maintenance, you ensure a long-lasting, efficient, and comfortable home heating experience. Elevate your living space with our expert tips and services for optimal warmth and energy efficiency.

Troubleshooting Guide To Common Furnace Issues

When winter’s icy grasp tightens, and the mercury plummets, there’s nothing more comforting than knowing your home is a cozy sanctuary against the cold. But what happens when your furnace starts making strange noises, or your thermostat seems to have a mind of its own? Homeowners in Edmonton, AB, face these challenges year after year, and that’s where Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. comes to the rescue. We understand the unique demands of our northern climate, and for decades, we’ve been dedicated to ensuring your home stays warm and comfortable throughout the winter. We’ll delve into the common HVAC issues you might encounter and how Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. can solve them with top-notch Furnace Maintenance in Edmonton, AB!

Solving Noisy Furnaces: Causes and Solutions

Is your furnace serenading you with strange, unsettling noises? Don’t fret; you’re not alone. Edmonton’s chilly winters can put a strain on your heating system. Here are a few common culprits and how Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. can help.

Screeching and Squealing

These high-pitched sounds can indicate a malfunctioning blower motor or worn-out fan belt. Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. technicians can quickly diagnose and resolve these issues, ensuring your furnace runs smoothly.

Booming or Popping

A loud boom when your furnace starts or stops could be due to dirty burners or delayed ignition. Our experts will clean and maintain your burners, ensuring efficient and safe operation.

Rattling and Vibrating

Loose panels, ductwork, or other components can cause rattling noises. Our team will inspect, tighten, and secure all parts to eliminate these disturbances.

How to Test and Reset Thermostats for Accurate Temperature Control

Are you constantly battling with your thermostat to maintain the perfect temperature in your home? It can be a frustrating experience. Here’s how Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. can help you regain control.

Calibration Check

Over time, thermostats can lose their accuracy. Our professionals will calibrate your thermostat, ensuring it accurately reflects your desired temperature settings.

Battery Replacement

Many modern thermostats are battery-operated. If your thermostat screen goes blank, it might be time for a battery change. Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. will take care of it.

Wi-Fi Thermostat Installation

Upgrade to a Wi-Fi thermostat for remote control and programming flexibility. Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. can install and set up a smart thermostat that suits your needs.

Checking and Replacing Filters

Clean air filters are the unsung heroes of a healthy HVAC system. Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. knows the importance of this often-overlooked component.

Regular Inspection

We recommend homeowners in Edmonton, AB, check their air filters monthly. Dirty filters can restrict airflow and decrease efficiency.

Filter Replacement

If you notice excessive dust, reduced airflow, or increased energy bills, it’s time to replace the filter. Our team can assist you in choosing the right filter for your system.

Diagnosing and Fixing Pilot Light Problems

A malfunctioning pilot light can leave you in the cold. Here’s how Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. can address this issue.

Safety First

Pilot light problems can be due to various issues, including thermocouple malfunction, gas valve problems, or a drafty furnace. Our technicians will prioritize safety and diagnose the root cause.

Professional Repair

Once the issue is identified, our experts will repair or replace the faulty components, ensuring your furnace’s pilot light stays lit, and your home remains warm.

How to Troubleshoot a Furnace that Won't Turn On

The panic sets in when your furnace refuses to start. Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. understands the urgency of this situation and can guide you through the process.

Check the Thermostat

Ensure your thermostat is set to “heat” and the temperature is above the current room temperature. If it’s a programmable thermostat, verify the schedule.

Power Supply

Make sure the furnace is receiving power. Check the circuit breaker and the power switch on the furnace itself.

Filter and Airflow

A clogged filter can cause your furnace to shut down. If the filter is clean and the furnace still won’t start, it’s time to call in the experts from Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc.

Common Ductwork Problems and How to Fix Them

Ductwork is the silent highway of warm air in your home. Here’s how Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. can address common issues.


Leaks in your ductwork can lead to heat loss and uneven heating. Our team can seal and insulate your ducts, optimizing airflow and improving energy efficiency.

Poor Air Quality

Dirty ducts can circulate dust and allergens throughout your home. We offer professional duct cleaning services to enhance indoor air quality.

In Edmonton, AB, Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. is your trusted partner for all your HVAC needs. Whether it’s a noisy furnace, thermostat troubles, filter replacements, pilot light problems, or ductwork dilemmas, our dedicated team is here to ensure your home remains warm and comfortable throughout the winter. Don’t let the cold weather get the best of you – Contact us today and experience the Mobil Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. difference. Your comfort is our priority, and we’re just a phone call away from high-quality Furnace Repair in Edmonton, AB!